Beware Syndrome Addiction Technology

Beware Syndrome Addiction Technology - Technology is now moving forward with the presence of a variety of handheld devices that can be used for various purposes. However, on the other hand, given the ease with which technology it can also be addictive.

According to a study published in January in the scientific journal PLoS ONE, addiction to technology is also having an impact on the body. People who are addicted to the internet may experience chemical changes in the brain, similar to people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs.

However, it is a new internet only. As reported by Mashable, Thursday (08/23/2012), there are other addictions that you should avoid so that the look and ease of a given technology does not turn out to be harmful.

1. Invisibility Vibration Syndrome

Have you take a mobile phone because they feel it vibrating handheld devices, but it does nothing at all? This could be the thing that many people called magical vibration syndrome. Infected will feel the vibration even though his handheld device is in another room.

The name is most likely based on the phantom limb syndrome, a condition in which a person who has lost an arm still felt hallucinations sensor that arms are still attached to the body and function. People who have a syndrome similar to this magical vibe, feeling his mobile phone as part of your own body.

2. Internet Addiction Disorder

Internet addiction disorder (IAD) refers to the use of the Internet on a continuous basis so that disrupt daily life. The study revealed that internet addiction can lead to social problems similar to gambling addiction.

In the 2008 editorial in The American Journal of Psychiatry if, Jerard J. Block wrote that IAD is characterized by excessive use, withdrawal and negative effects such as arguments and fatigue. Internet use can also lead to unhealthy levels of acute depression.

3. Social Networking Addiction

Addicted to social networking is part of Internet addiction. This type of addiction can be regarded as a technology addiction syndrome most commonly found lately.

Researchers from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business conducted a survey on 250 participants. The research team gave them a device that records approximately 8000 reports of craving them every day.

According to the study, social networking check for updates is a habit more difficult to remove than alcohol or cigarettes.

In Norway, the researchers compiled Bergen Facebook Addictions Scale. This is a test to see if you are suffering from addiction to social networking. Tested chemicals based on six metrics, for example, uses Facebook to forget problems or failed to stop the habit of opening up.

4. Video Game Addiction

Video game addiction as IAD and other addictions. His trademark is the habit of playing the game to interfere with other aspects of life. Although not classified as an official term addiction by the American Medical Association, video games can have adverse effects.

In July 2011, a 20-year-old computer programmer died from deep vein thrombosis triggered by sitting for too long. Blood clots occur in the calf and cause fatal blockage in the lungs.

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