Finally Regulators Approve Agreements Facebook-Instagram

Finally Regulators Approve Agreements Facebook-Instagram - After several months of investigation by regulators face, finally approved the acquisition by Facebook Instagram. Approval was obtained after regulators concluded the deal does not threaten competition, given the popular smartphone apps that do not make money.

Prior to approval, the Federal Trade Commicion (FTC) and the Officer of Fair Trading (OFT) to investigate concerns that Britain by acquiring Instagram, Facebook could disrupt the online advertising market or gain too much power related share photos.

Quoted from the Telegraph, among other reasons that exist, both regulators concluded, since Instagram is a two-year-old company with 13 staff who have no income, there is no prospect of a deal that would create a monopoly advertising.

FTC eventually close the investigation, so as to allow the OFT to publish detailed conclusions that restrict how Instagram works appeal to advertisers.

The investigation also dismissed concerns that Facebook could use Instagram to its dominant position in social networking to destroy rival smartphone apps, such as Camera + and Hipstamatic brand applications because the camera was not more popular.

"There is a relatively strong competitor to Instagram in providing cameras and photo editing applications., And this time, it's an obstacle stronger competitor to Instagram compared to Facebook's new application," said the OFT.

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