Retina Display Updates Chrome Support

Google Chrome, Feature
Google Chrome Feature
Retina Display Updates Chrome Support - Google quietly released the latest update popular Chrome browser the latest version. At this update, included support for the Retina Display and many other features.

Proclaimed RedOrbit, Friday (08/03/2012), in addition to support for the Retina Display, this update also includes deeper integration with Cloud Print as well as support for the gamepad.

Chrome version also introduces API getUserMedia disclosed in the event the developer conference Google I / O.

Gamepad support on your browser allows a standard game controller can be used to play games on the web. This method is claimed Google could create the gaming experience more complete.

While getUserMedia API makes developers can access the web camera and microphone on your computer without any additional plug-ins. According to Google, this is the first step in WebRTC, a real-time communication standard new.

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