Social accused Trace The Sims, EA Sued Zynga

The Ville
Social accused Trace The Sims, EA Sued Zynga - According to a report from tech site The Verge, EA (Electronic Arts) has decided demanding Zynga. Because the EA claiming a common one that is his game franchise The Sims, particularly the issue of "Social" with Zynga game that was launched last month.

Zynga games are referred to by EA is The Ville, which was recently launched last month at an event in San Francisco.
The Sims Social, The Ville

"The core problem is we are confident that infringe copyright Zynga our game, The Sims Social. Within the scope of the law, we Zynga claims to have copied the original and expressive elements of The Sims Social typical. So obvious, that it is a violation of copyright law of the United States (U.S. ), "said EA in a material, as reported by The Next Web, Sunday (05/08/2012).

"Of course, a strong legal reason. But for creative teams who feel that their hard work and imagination they have been abused, there are clearly elements of emotion in it," added EA.

In addition, according to label GM of EA Maxis Lucy Bradshaw, the similarities between The Ville and The Sims Social beyond all physical resemblance.
The Sims Social, The Ville

"Zynga options for design, animation, visual settings, as well as the movements and actions of characters has been directly taken from The Social Sim. Copying between the two games is very comprehensive. Some media and bloggers also commented on the obvious similarities," he concluded.

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