Twitter, Social Media Most Popular Hotels in London Olympics


Twitter, Social Media Most Popular Hotels in London Olympics - Twitter become the most popular social network that addresses the opening of the London Olympics. According to new research, the microblogging site is controlled 97 percent of talk about the opening of the Olympics.

A digital marketing agency in the UK, iPorspect and media agency Carat said that, Twitter as favorite social media sites because it controls 97 percent of all conversations in the realm of the virtual world on the biggest sporting event in the world.

The study found that 60 percent of all social media interaction on the opening of the Olympic Games were positive and 14 percent a negative statement. The majority of tweets about the opening and sentiment towards the UK (58 percent) came from England and 22 percent came from the United States, as well as the rest coming from all over the world.

In addition, earlier this week revealed that Twitter looks Rowan Atkinson in the opening ceremony was also the most widely dikicaukan users during the event.

London 2012, is the main Olympics that makes Twitter a major role. Olympics was mentioned by more than 10 million users since opening on Friday. "The greatest surge in Twitter conversation during the opening of the Olympics? Is when Mr Bean aka Rowan Atkonson up," said Program Manager Editorial Twitter Andrew Fitzgerald, as reported by the Telegraph.

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